Thursday, September 30, 2010

one month down!

As of today, it has been exactly one month since I started working for this tour. A month ago, I was starting rehearsals and trying to grasp the idea of me touring and performing. If you would have told me that I would be doing this right after college, then I would have told you that you were crazy but here I am! And in this one month, I have learned ALOT already.

In this month, I have been to Minneapolis, Topeka, Atlanta, Montgomery, Ft. Lauderdale and now I am in Orlando. I went to Universal Studios where Harry Potter world is and even though I have never read a single word or seen a movie, it was pretty freakin awesome. And yesterday I went to Sea World and that was cool. I took some pictures of manatees and penguins and saw a dolphin show. It was a good two days off but times like these sort of make me miss California, even though I am NOT missing the heat wave.

Some days are good, some days are bad and some days I have to remind myself that I am fortunate. And I know I am, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I have the tendency to lose sight of that and need reminders every now and then. Most of you know that struggle with perfection and always wanting to be the best that I can be with anything that I do and with this, you can't expect perfection right away. I constantly have to remind myself that I have never done something like this before and that I need to have patience and learn to RELAX and not stress myself out. Easier said than done.

Today, I had a reminder of why I am here. I did a publicity event with another cast member and we went to a school today for promotion. it was AMAZING. I walk in as Elmo and the other cast member as Cookie Monster and there were about 200+ kids and teachers in a cafeteria and they all went NUTS. It was awesome. We were running around giving high fives, waving and sort of hugging and just goofing around and it occurred to me as I was in costume running around mad that seeing those kids smiling and waving like crazy and chanting "Elmo, Elmo..." over and over again was an amazing feeling that I didn't really want to go away. Granted, I was huffing and puffing but I am doing what I've always wanted to do. I'm making money, supporting myself, seeing the country, and most importantly, I get to entertain and perform, and for kids for that matter. I never thought I would be playing Elmo, but I am doing it. And I can't wait to see what the next 10 months have in store for me.

Sometimes my insecurities set in and it takes a while to get out of that funk, but I remind myself that I am doing something pretty awesome. And today was a reminder of it.
I also have to remind myself that I am 22 years old, and that I just graduated college and I still have a lot to learn about myself and that things aren't going to be perfect all the time (which is hard for me) and that when the timing is right, everything will fall into place. You just have to keep the faith and keep believing in yourself that you have something to give.

That's it for now. Sorry if this was a little too soap boxy but I promise the next post won't be as bad. And I'll post pictures of Harry Potter World for all you wierdos :)


"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Esprinkle, you are amazing. Elmo's a freaking celebrity, am I right?! And stay in your happy place, my friend...the best is yet to come :)
