Friday, September 17, 2010

the long awaited update...but not really...

here's another update for all of you impatient people...aka Elysse. and yes, I just named dropped.

So we opened officially last Friday, September 10th and it was really cool! The last two weeks have been nonstop because the production period was so fast but now that we are officially on the road, I'm beginning to get a better picture of what my life will be like for the next 10 months now.

We were in Topeka for a week and then we flew to Atlanta on Monday and arrived around 5pm. That plane ride was interesting because we had to do an emergency landing in Memphis so we were delayed for a good time. I was really excited to get off the plane and get to the hotel which is in downtown atlanta. Atlanta has been treating us well. Let's just say that it was ALOT better than Topeka hahaha. I went to a puppetry museum on Tuesday and it was really cool because they had a Jim Henson exhibit so we got to see how he started making all the muppets and apparently, the lady who voiced Abby Cadabby has a workshop going on all weekend so we are hoping that she can stop by the show and see it. On wednesday, I also went to the Atlanta Braves game to get my sports on because you all know i'm a huge sports fanatic. hahaha not really but i wanted to go to a baseball game. I also went to the Atlanta Dream vs Seattle Storm game last night because they were in the semi finals and had a playoff game at the Philips arena which is the same place where we are playing and we got to sit in a box which was sweet!

Part of being tour is also doing publicity events as well. So sometimes I get to do meet and greets before shows and take pictures with certain people who purchase certain tickets. We also do personal meet and greets which is where someone has family in town and they ask you personally if you can do a meet and greet for them. Now in some cities, we have "pub events," or calls we make for a newspaper interview. If we have early morning "pubs" that usually means we have to be up in the morning to go to a news station and promote the show. Most of the time we get to help out the weatherman and goof around on stage. I got to do that twice but my call this week for the early morning pub was 4:15 AM and then I had rehearsal at 3pm so I definitely slept in between. Those are fun though because we get to be on TV and be on an actual news station! Especially with playing Elmo, he does ALOT of events but luckily, we rotate Elmo meaning that myself and the two other smalls (the girls who play Abby and Zoe) can fit in the costume and do all the other events so I don't have to do like 10 in one week and tire myself out.

We have two shows today, and start our three day shows tomorrow and then two shows on sunday and then we're off to Alabama. One thing that I am realizing quickly is how much stamina I need for these shows because it is ALOT of work but I am lucky enough to have awesome people who know what they're doing and are willing to help out the newbie in the group. I think I have to start going to the gym for at least 20 minutes a day when I have the time and when I don't have shows so I can build it up. I am for sure getting a workout :)

I miss california and its food though. I could really use some in and out and carne asada fries so if you're interested in sending me some let me know! Also, if you would like to be generous and send me gifts or care packages or letters to read, I will love you forever. Just let me know and I can send you where I will be and the address to the hotel so they can hold the box (hint hint) for me. If you also want postcards, send me your address and I'll mail you one!

That's it for now. We start split weeks next week so I'll have less free time but I will update when I can. I'll be in Montgomery, AL for the first half of the week and then Ft. Lauderdale the second half of the week. YAY for traveling!

And i'll post pictures too when I have batteries for my camera :)

LOVE YOU ALL and thanks for reading!


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