Sunday, September 5, 2010

first week down!

Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the delay in my new blog. But here it is! You can follow my life for the next 11 months as I tour the country with Sesame Street Live.

So I left California last Sunday, August 29th and in a week, I've learned what it's going to be like on tour and I am pretty excited to start traveling and seeing all of the different cities. This tour is fast moving and our production period was VERY short. Only a week. And in that week, I learned the entire show, had costume fittings, learned how to "mech" which means I have a bike brake basically in my right hand and it moves the mouth of the costume character and basically that's where I see through. Unfortunately, I can't post any pictures right now but I will when I have the chance.

It was a bit overwhelming at first but I am starting to get the hang of it all and being one out of three new people with a cast of thirteen was a bit intimidating at first, but they have all been very helpful which is great.

On a good note, there has been some casting changes. I won't be playing the Abby Cadabby/Roxy track, but I will now be playing ELMO! And I know that everyone knows Elmo so I don't think anyone will have a problem figuring out what character I am like you guys did with Abby :)

That's it for now. I'm just relaxing and repacking because I'm off to Topeka, Kansas tomorrow for the week but I'll keep you all updated weekly, hopefully!

Thanks for reading and keep in touch. I like getting text messages :)


1 comment:

  1. Yes!! Welcome to the Elmo family!! Oh, meching...I know it well :). Do you guys have those practice mechs? The little hand exerciser things? And if you wear the same onesies under your costumes as we did, I hope you like spandex! lol. LOVE YOU
