Friday, January 28, 2011

food for thought.

something i stole from a friend. if you're an artist, you can definitely relate:

Century Old Creative Advice
I found this article on the Behance Network’s think tank, site. These are short excerpts from a series of letters written to an aspiring writer by one of the greatest poets of the 20th century, Rainer Maria Rilke right around the turn of the century. Powerful insights about patience and difficulty that still apply 100 years later.

Rilke on the role of patience
“Always trust yourself and your own feeling, as opposed to argumentations, discussion, or introductions of that sort; if it turns out that you are wrong, then the natural growth of your inner life will eventually guide you to other insights. Allow your judgments their own silent, undisturbed development, which, like all progress, must come from deep within and cannot be forced or hastened. Everything is gestation and then birthing. To let each impression and each embryo of a feeling come to completion, entirely in itself, in the dark, in the unsayable, the unconscious, beyond the reach of one’s own understanding, and with deep humility and patience to wait for the hour when a new clarity is born: this alone is what it means to live as an artist: in understanding as in creating.

In this there is no measuring with time, a year doesn’t matter, and ten years are nothing. Being an artist means: not numbering and counting, but ripening like a tree, which doesn’t force its sap, and stands confidently in the storms of spring, not afraid that afterward summer may not come. It does come. But it comes only to those who are patient, who are there as if eternity lay before them, so unconcernedly silent and vast. I learn it every day of my life, learn it with pain I am grateful for: patience is everything!”

Rilke on embracing difficulty
“If we only arrange our life in accordance with the principle which tells us that we must always trust in the difficult, then what now appears to us as the most alien will become our most intimate and trusted experience. How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage.”

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Hello everyone!

Sorry that it has been two months since I've updated this blog but I haven't had the chance to really sit down and write and I just didn't want to type something short and it be totally useless but now that I have two months under my belt, I have stuff to talk about!

Where to start? I think that's the question. I think I left off in Canada. Right before I came home from break we were playing Canada for a week. To me, it was an inconvenience. I couldn't use my phone, I had to withdraw money because the currency is different and it wasn't that great. However, I did go into Toronto for a day and that was awesome. We get to play Toronto in the spring so hopefully, I'll get to go back and explore a heck of a lot more than what I got to do. And then on the 20th of December, I flew HOME! And of course, the first thing that I did was get In and Out. Duh. That is like a given. I ate everything that I couldn't eat when I'm on the road like Portos, and awesome mexican food so I definitely gained weight but I don't care, it was AWESOME.

My time at home was short though. I was only there for a week and pretty much every day I was up around 7 or 8am trying to get things done. Plus, my body was so used to east coast time that I really didn't adjust very well. But I got everything I needed to get done and spent time with my family and got to see some friends. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see everyone because of the short trip so if I missed you I am sorry but you can always come out and see me :)

I flew back on the 28th into Boston because we were playing Worcester and one of the girls on my tour lives really close to Worcester and was kind enough to let me stay at her house. So I was there for a week and celebrated New Years at an awesome place called The Citizen and it was themed a 1920's speakeasy so it was really cool. I've never done something like that before so it was great to try something new. On sunday night, my friend Jess and I along with a couple other friends drove down to her house in New Jersey where we spent a couple days at her house which was AWESOME. She kind of lives in the middle of nowhere so that was an experience to my california upbringing but I can now say that I attempted to shoot a bow and arrow :) I held it at least because it was heavy. It was like 40 pounds and yeah, I definitely couldn't shoot it but I had fun at least. On tuesday, I got to go into New York City for the day and that was awesome because everyone knows I love New York. I got to eat and shop and met up with my friend Lital because she moved there in September and catch up with her which was AMAZING. And now I am back to work in Hershey, PA where my hotel smells like chocolate :)

For some reason, when New Years rolled around, it didn't feel like a new year for me. And when I look back on it, 2010 was such a roller coaster of a year because big things happened to me. I graduated college, moved back home, got my first job which takes me away from home and I guess I thought that adjustment was going to be easier because I've always been fine with adjusting. Apparently NOT. hahahahaha but overall, I am doing something pretty awesome and it has given me great friends, good memories and something to look forward to every week when I get into a new city.

One thing that I know that I would like to work on in the new year is letting go. I apparently have a hard time letting go of things and taking things personally and I am the type of person that likes to reflect on things and analyze the SHIT out of it which is not good for my mentality but I think being conscientious about it and knowing that that is the type of person I am, I can learn how to control it. I also have to remember that I am human and that I am going to make mistakes and I have to learn how to be okay with that and not get mad at myself when things don't go a certain way or how I think they are suppose to go. In any situation, I am not going to get answers to everything and that's life. I have to learn how to let go, move on and learn from what situation I've been place in and accept that I will be somehow be stronger in the end. Someone once told me that I have to take the pain of the lesson, regroup and thrive. And I whole heartedly believe that.

Being on this tour has let me learn all of these things that I am ranting about right now. And I know that I wouldn't be learning about myself if it weren't for these experiences and wonderful people around me. When I have a bad day, which I do, a lot (hehehe), I remind myself of what I am doing and why I am here and who is around me and it makes me feel better because I don't really have anything to complain about. I don't want to focus on the petty and dumb things and miss out on what is right in front of me because tour is flying by really fast. So here's to the new year and focusing on the finer things in life and living it.

here's a quote that I found which I love and I want to share with you all:

Go into 2011 expecting more than what 2010 gave you.

until next time...hopefully it won't be two months later.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hello everyone who still reads this!

Sorry for the lack of updates. Tour has been a little bit hectic lately and for some reason, my computer decides it doesn't want to connect to internet at certain hotels so i've been kind of dying without a computer and borrowing. But luckily, I can connect in this hotel so I decided to take advantage of it.

I'm 3 months in and i'm finally starting to settle into a routine and go with the flow. Which is good but then something happens like I get a care package ( Thanks Fatin and Dean of Students!) or someone post on my wall and then I start to get a little homesick. It's been wierd trying to figure out how to deal with that because the longest I've been away from "home" is a month. However with the schedule that I've been having, I don't really have the time to think about home since we are so busy. I'm in the middle of 3 split weeks which mean that in the span of 3 weeks, I will have been in 6 different cities. Ridiculous, I know. Our next sit down city is Columbus, OH. I am excited for that because 1. It's a sit down, so I will have time to relax and explore. 2. we are staying downtown so I can visit a bunch of places and be a tourist. 3. I can take class!

I've been itching to take a dance class for a while. Although I am "dancing" every day when I do a show, it's a bit different.

I also get to go to Canada before I come home for a short break. I will be home December 20th-28t, so if you would like to see my beautiful face (haha) I would love to hang out with you people, besides my family. I don't have alot of time and there's so much to do, and places to eat so just let me know.

I think that's it for now. Sorry I don't have anything interesting to tell you all but hopefully that will change. Hope everyone is doing well! Send me postcards, or letters, or packages. I love surprises!


Thursday, September 30, 2010

one month down!

As of today, it has been exactly one month since I started working for this tour. A month ago, I was starting rehearsals and trying to grasp the idea of me touring and performing. If you would have told me that I would be doing this right after college, then I would have told you that you were crazy but here I am! And in this one month, I have learned ALOT already.

In this month, I have been to Minneapolis, Topeka, Atlanta, Montgomery, Ft. Lauderdale and now I am in Orlando. I went to Universal Studios where Harry Potter world is and even though I have never read a single word or seen a movie, it was pretty freakin awesome. And yesterday I went to Sea World and that was cool. I took some pictures of manatees and penguins and saw a dolphin show. It was a good two days off but times like these sort of make me miss California, even though I am NOT missing the heat wave.

Some days are good, some days are bad and some days I have to remind myself that I am fortunate. And I know I am, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I have the tendency to lose sight of that and need reminders every now and then. Most of you know that struggle with perfection and always wanting to be the best that I can be with anything that I do and with this, you can't expect perfection right away. I constantly have to remind myself that I have never done something like this before and that I need to have patience and learn to RELAX and not stress myself out. Easier said than done.

Today, I had a reminder of why I am here. I did a publicity event with another cast member and we went to a school today for promotion. it was AMAZING. I walk in as Elmo and the other cast member as Cookie Monster and there were about 200+ kids and teachers in a cafeteria and they all went NUTS. It was awesome. We were running around giving high fives, waving and sort of hugging and just goofing around and it occurred to me as I was in costume running around mad that seeing those kids smiling and waving like crazy and chanting "Elmo, Elmo..." over and over again was an amazing feeling that I didn't really want to go away. Granted, I was huffing and puffing but I am doing what I've always wanted to do. I'm making money, supporting myself, seeing the country, and most importantly, I get to entertain and perform, and for kids for that matter. I never thought I would be playing Elmo, but I am doing it. And I can't wait to see what the next 10 months have in store for me.

Sometimes my insecurities set in and it takes a while to get out of that funk, but I remind myself that I am doing something pretty awesome. And today was a reminder of it.
I also have to remind myself that I am 22 years old, and that I just graduated college and I still have a lot to learn about myself and that things aren't going to be perfect all the time (which is hard for me) and that when the timing is right, everything will fall into place. You just have to keep the faith and keep believing in yourself that you have something to give.

That's it for now. Sorry if this was a little too soap boxy but I promise the next post won't be as bad. And I'll post pictures of Harry Potter World for all you wierdos :)


"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt.

Friday, September 17, 2010

the long awaited update...but not really...

here's another update for all of you impatient people...aka Elysse. and yes, I just named dropped.

So we opened officially last Friday, September 10th and it was really cool! The last two weeks have been nonstop because the production period was so fast but now that we are officially on the road, I'm beginning to get a better picture of what my life will be like for the next 10 months now.

We were in Topeka for a week and then we flew to Atlanta on Monday and arrived around 5pm. That plane ride was interesting because we had to do an emergency landing in Memphis so we were delayed for a good time. I was really excited to get off the plane and get to the hotel which is in downtown atlanta. Atlanta has been treating us well. Let's just say that it was ALOT better than Topeka hahaha. I went to a puppetry museum on Tuesday and it was really cool because they had a Jim Henson exhibit so we got to see how he started making all the muppets and apparently, the lady who voiced Abby Cadabby has a workshop going on all weekend so we are hoping that she can stop by the show and see it. On wednesday, I also went to the Atlanta Braves game to get my sports on because you all know i'm a huge sports fanatic. hahaha not really but i wanted to go to a baseball game. I also went to the Atlanta Dream vs Seattle Storm game last night because they were in the semi finals and had a playoff game at the Philips arena which is the same place where we are playing and we got to sit in a box which was sweet!

Part of being tour is also doing publicity events as well. So sometimes I get to do meet and greets before shows and take pictures with certain people who purchase certain tickets. We also do personal meet and greets which is where someone has family in town and they ask you personally if you can do a meet and greet for them. Now in some cities, we have "pub events," or calls we make for a newspaper interview. If we have early morning "pubs" that usually means we have to be up in the morning to go to a news station and promote the show. Most of the time we get to help out the weatherman and goof around on stage. I got to do that twice but my call this week for the early morning pub was 4:15 AM and then I had rehearsal at 3pm so I definitely slept in between. Those are fun though because we get to be on TV and be on an actual news station! Especially with playing Elmo, he does ALOT of events but luckily, we rotate Elmo meaning that myself and the two other smalls (the girls who play Abby and Zoe) can fit in the costume and do all the other events so I don't have to do like 10 in one week and tire myself out.

We have two shows today, and start our three day shows tomorrow and then two shows on sunday and then we're off to Alabama. One thing that I am realizing quickly is how much stamina I need for these shows because it is ALOT of work but I am lucky enough to have awesome people who know what they're doing and are willing to help out the newbie in the group. I think I have to start going to the gym for at least 20 minutes a day when I have the time and when I don't have shows so I can build it up. I am for sure getting a workout :)

I miss california and its food though. I could really use some in and out and carne asada fries so if you're interested in sending me some let me know! Also, if you would like to be generous and send me gifts or care packages or letters to read, I will love you forever. Just let me know and I can send you where I will be and the address to the hotel so they can hold the box (hint hint) for me. If you also want postcards, send me your address and I'll mail you one!

That's it for now. We start split weeks next week so I'll have less free time but I will update when I can. I'll be in Montgomery, AL for the first half of the week and then Ft. Lauderdale the second half of the week. YAY for traveling!

And i'll post pictures too when I have batteries for my camera :)

LOVE YOU ALL and thanks for reading!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

first week down!

Hi Everyone!

Sorry for the delay in my new blog. But here it is! You can follow my life for the next 11 months as I tour the country with Sesame Street Live.

So I left California last Sunday, August 29th and in a week, I've learned what it's going to be like on tour and I am pretty excited to start traveling and seeing all of the different cities. This tour is fast moving and our production period was VERY short. Only a week. And in that week, I learned the entire show, had costume fittings, learned how to "mech" which means I have a bike brake basically in my right hand and it moves the mouth of the costume character and basically that's where I see through. Unfortunately, I can't post any pictures right now but I will when I have the chance.

It was a bit overwhelming at first but I am starting to get the hang of it all and being one out of three new people with a cast of thirteen was a bit intimidating at first, but they have all been very helpful which is great.

On a good note, there has been some casting changes. I won't be playing the Abby Cadabby/Roxy track, but I will now be playing ELMO! And I know that everyone knows Elmo so I don't think anyone will have a problem figuring out what character I am like you guys did with Abby :)

That's it for now. I'm just relaxing and repacking because I'm off to Topeka, Kansas tomorrow for the week but I'll keep you all updated weekly, hopefully!

Thanks for reading and keep in touch. I like getting text messages :)
