Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hello everyone who still reads this!

Sorry for the lack of updates. Tour has been a little bit hectic lately and for some reason, my computer decides it doesn't want to connect to internet at certain hotels so i've been kind of dying without a computer and borrowing. But luckily, I can connect in this hotel so I decided to take advantage of it.

I'm 3 months in and i'm finally starting to settle into a routine and go with the flow. Which is good but then something happens like I get a care package ( Thanks Fatin and Dean of Students!) or someone post on my wall and then I start to get a little homesick. It's been wierd trying to figure out how to deal with that because the longest I've been away from "home" is a month. However with the schedule that I've been having, I don't really have the time to think about home since we are so busy. I'm in the middle of 3 split weeks which mean that in the span of 3 weeks, I will have been in 6 different cities. Ridiculous, I know. Our next sit down city is Columbus, OH. I am excited for that because 1. It's a sit down, so I will have time to relax and explore. 2. we are staying downtown so I can visit a bunch of places and be a tourist. 3. I can take class!

I've been itching to take a dance class for a while. Although I am "dancing" every day when I do a show, it's a bit different.

I also get to go to Canada before I come home for a short break. I will be home December 20th-28t, so if you would like to see my beautiful face (haha) I would love to hang out with you people, besides my family. I don't have alot of time and there's so much to do, and places to eat so just let me know.

I think that's it for now. Sorry I don't have anything interesting to tell you all but hopefully that will change. Hope everyone is doing well! Send me postcards, or letters, or packages. I love surprises!
